The Finnish Society of Social Work Research brings together social work researchers and practitioners
The Finnish Society of Social Work Research
The aim of the Finnish Society of Social Work Research is to improve the position of social work research in society, to promote the exchange of research results, expertise and experience between different actors and to develop international cooperation. Another important task of the Society for Social Work Research is to raise the profile of social work research and to recognise research of merit.
As a research society, the Society of Social Work Research provides a forum for its members to discuss directions in social work research, generate new openings and strengthen their own scholarship. The Society’s individual and community members represent researchers, teachers, experts, students and practitioners of social work. Members of the Society participate free of charge in national events organised by the Society, such as the annual Social Work Research Days.
The Finnish Society of Social Work Research publishes monthly columns in Finnish, Swedish and English. To read the latest columns, please visit the Finnish version of the webpage.

The activities of the Society
The Society for Social Work Research organises annual national Social Work Research Days, publishes the Yearbook of Social Work Research and rewards outstanding research.

Honorary members
On the occasion of the Social Work Research Days, the Society invites distinguished individuals in the field of social work research to become honorary members.

The Society for Social Work Research publishes its journal Janus in cooperation with the Finnish Social Policy Association four times a year.